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Yapay Zekâ ile Üretilen Sanat Eserlerinin Küratörlüğü

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches September 2024 Issue Pages: [191-209]


Art provides a vast realm of expression by offering humans a space for creation. This realm fosters an interdisciplinary interaction environment influenced by all events and situations. The opportunities brought by advancing technology and the potential created by digitalization add new creative partners to individuals who are creative subjects. Now identified as algorithms and various creative applications and models based on artificial intelligence, these partners collaborate with humans, giving rise to new artistic expression fields emerging from human-machine collaboration. With their inherent potential, these new fields of expression enable artists and designers to create new forms and styles. This creative pursuit is relevant for individuals producing art objects and those presenting, exhibiting, or bringing these objects to audiences. In this quest for new creative spaces, curators are embarking on a quest to develop innovative narratives to present algorithm-based artworks.

Artificial intelligence, with its offered possibilities and capabilities, has the potential to be a new tool of artistic expression for artists and designers. This potential is sometimes used as a tool, as a goal in creating art, and sometimes for aesthetic concerns. The relationship between artificial intelligence and visual arts arises in the production process of art and how artworks are exhibited and presented. The evolving face of art through digitization enables the collaboration between artificial intelligence and human creativity in producing artworks, raising questions regarding these pieces' curation.

In this context, the new definitions added to the concept of curation and the roles attributed to the curator subject necessitate new curatorial approaches. With changing curatorial practices, we present artworks emerging within human-machine creativity as interaction-focused experiences position artists, viewers, and curators within a shared sphere of interaction. This situation also brings about a new phenomenon of digital curation, departing from traditional curatorial understanding. The existence of digital curation obliges interdisciplinary art to maintain its presence as a dynamic structure. This necessity arises from the digital art object, which is inherently structured to store and present data on computer- and internet-based platforms. The digital curation necessary for digital-based art objects to interact with participants in a physical space also requires various technical knowledge and practical application methods. On occasions, mastery over various technological devices in a physical space, ranging from setting up a large-scale projection screen for video mapping to configuring a Kinect camera, has become a defined role for the curator. All these new roles apply to physical spaces and necessitate significant data curation in the presentation of algorithmic artworks exhibited in digital environments.

In this study, the curation of artworks generated by artificial intelligence is examined through examples while also briefly addressing the concepts of artificial intelligence and curation, along with their histories. The relationship between artificial intelligence and visual arts has been explored, with examples of artworks generated by artificial intelligence provided. The transformation of curation through digitalization was examined in the research, and the issue of curating artworks generated by artificial intelligence, which is the study's starting point, was discussed through curatorial practices.

In the theoretical framework, this study discusses the exhibition and presentation of artworks generated by artificial intelligence through evolving curatorial approaches in historical and cultural contexts, along with fundamental concepts and questions. The research's starting point is to seek answers to the question: 'Which curatorial approaches are required for the exhibition and presentation of artworks generated by artificial intelligence?' The research problem is supported by analysis and interpretations based on current approaches found in the literature.

The article, which examines artificial intelligence, one of the most current issues in art, through the lens of the curatorial phenomenon, aims to reveal how the curation of art generated with artificial intelligence takes place and the requirements of digital curation in these exhibitions. This study holds significance for digital curators and new media artists who produce works with artificial intelligence, as it discusses the new roles attributed to curators in a current context. The topics covered within the scope of the study were researched using the descriptive literature review method, and selected examples supported the research. With this study, the foundations of new approaches required for the curation of artificial intelligence have been laid out, and the possible outcomes that will emerge during the transformation from traditional curatorial structures to contemporary curatorial practices have been highlighted. While defining the new roles and responsibilities of the curator, this study addresses the curation of artworks produced by artificial intelligence as a current discussion.


Yapay zekâ, sunduğu olanak ve imkânlarla sanatçı ve tasarımcılar için yeni bir sanatsal ifade aracı olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu potansiyel, kimi zaman bir sanat yaratımında kimi zamansa estetik kaygılar için bazen bir araç bazen de bir amaç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yapay zekânın görsel sanatlarla ilişkisi, sanatın gerek üretim sürecinden gerekse sergilenme ve sunum şeklinden doğmaktadır. Dijitalleşme ile sanatın gelişen yüzü, yapay zekâ ve insan iş birliğinde eserlerin üretilmesini mümkün kılarken bu eserlerin küratörlüğü meselesini de ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda küratörlük kavramına eklenen yeni tanımlamalar ve küratöre atfedilen roller, yeni küratöryel yaklaşımları zorunlu kılmaktadır. Değişen küratöryel pratikler, insan-makine yaratıcılığı bağlamında ortaya koyulan sanat eserlerinin etkileşim odaklı deneyimler olarak sunulmasıyla birlikte sanatçıları, izleyicileri ve küratörleri ortak bir etkileşim odağında konumlandırdığı bir etki yaratmaktadır. Bu durum, geleneksel küratörlük anlayışından uzak, yeni bir dijital küratörlük olgusunu da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, yapay zekâ ile üretilen sanat eserlerinin küratörlüğü amaçlı örnekleme ile ele alınırken yapay zekâ ve küratörlük kavramlarının ne olduğuna ve kısa tarihçesine değinilmiştir. Yapay zekânın görsel sanatlarla ilişkisi ele alınmış ve yapay zekâ ile üretilen sanat eserleri örneklendirilmiştir. Araştırmada dijitalleşme ile küratörlüğün dönüşümü incelenmiş, çalışmanın çıkış noktası olan yapay zekâ ile üretilen sanat eserlerinin küratörlüğü meselesi, küratöryel pratikler üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Sanatın en güncel meselelerinden biri olan yapay zekâyı küratörlük olgusu üzerinden inceleyen makale, yapay zekâ ile üretilen sanat eserlerinin küratörlüğünün nasıl gerçekleştiğini ve bu sergilerdeki dijital kürasyonun gereksinimlerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Küratörlere atfedilen yeni rolleri güncel bir bağlamda ele alması sebebiyle bu çalışma, dijital küratörler ve yapay zekâ ile eser üreten yeni medya sanatçıları için önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada ele alınan başlıklar, betimsel analiz yöntemiyle araştırılmış, elde edilen veriler amaçlı örnekleme ile desteklenmiştir.

Artificial Intelligence, Curatorship, Digitalization, Art, Curator
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Yapay Zekâ, Küratörlük, Dijitalleşme, Sanat, Küratör.


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Görsel Kaynakça

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Submitted at: 2024-09-16 22:39:49
Accepted at: 2024-09-16 22:42:39
To Journal: September 2024 Issue

Author Details:
Özge ,KALYONCU FIRAT ORCID:0000-0002-0976-7254 Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Sanat Bölümü

To Reference: KALYONCU FIRAT, Özge (2024), Yapay Zekâ ile Üretilen Sanat Eserlerinin Küratörlüğü. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,September 2024, Issue:3, Volume:9, Pages:191-209

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