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Çocuk Kitaplarında Karakter Tasarımının Yeri ve Önemi

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches 2023 Kış Dönemi Pages: [370-382]
Öğr.Gör.. Gültekin ERDAL


Children's books play an essential role in the child's development process. The child learns to choose and recognize while learning by having fun. The first personality that the child recognizes in the book that bears his name is undoubtedly the character of the story. The child uses distinctive visual archetypes with his general structure. With a common belief, the character formed in the child's mind is not different from what he knows. Therefore, the child distinguishes characters more through visual recognition. Each spectrum, from the character's body structure to his clothes and physical features to his facial expressions, is a memorable picture for the child. Often these pictures allow that character to live outside the book's story. At this point, the character is a living person, independent of the book, living in the child's world. The fact that the child can communicate with the people around him shows that he can interact with them. That character's story, stance, discourses, actions, and plans can be identified with the child's story in the real world. He dresses like a character, lives visible, and can use similar discourses. Characters that are important to the child and that are good or bad mood are discussed in this article. The characters Bursa Uludağ University TBMYO Graphic Design Program students designed in the illustration lesson were discussed. It was given the importance that the designed characters could create their own stories independent from the story told in children's books. It has been emphasized how each character can create a personality with their own story without breaking away from the book's story. The bond that the characters created by the students with the child's world are depicted. In this article, children's books and characters, which we can accept as the child's virtual world, have been redesigned and tried to reach the child's imagination. How the story of the virtual hero can be created with his physical appearance is shown with sample drawings. It has been tried to explain why the virtual character created with the character in the child's mind can identify with himself and how he can be a partner in his story. It has been revealed that the characters with a good story can create positive developments in the life of the child, and in this respect, the characters drawn, created, or depicted in children's books are at least as important as the story of the book.

Each character in a good children's book has different and recognizable archetypes. In this way, the character is distinguished from the others by the narratives of his own story. The internal structures of the characters to be created for children's books are as important as their physical appearance. In addition to their physical features, such as short stature, prominent ears, blue eyes, and long hair, the characters should also have archetypes that reflect their inner world, such as being nervous, well-behaved, moral, obedient, and not telling lies. Honest because the character who does not have his own story may not have a place in the child's book and imagination. Designing a character is equivalent to getting his story to be read, which is pretty much a design job. The first piece in good character design is the basic principles known as archetypes. Archetypes represent personality and character traits with which we identify as human beings.

In children's books, each character's story comes pre-written by its author. However, creating humanoid characters with appropriate roles, physicality, or personality traits still requires specialist skill and effort. The designer must ensure that each drawn form is created creatively, uniquely, and meaningfully. To make this connection, the designer or illustrator must follow an author's written words and bring their personality, point of view, humor, and insight into the story.

For a children's book to be good material, the characters play an essential role in the child's imagination. In this sense, the character design of the children's book, which is the article's subject, is emphasized. The research is based on the evaluations of the characters, which are the subject of the homework titled "Character and design" in the illustration lesson of Bursa Uludağ University TBMYO Design Department students. Visual documents classified in document analysis, one of the essential data sources of qualitative research method, were examined, drawings, colors, and created characters were evaluated, and theories were formed.

It is understood that the characters designed by Bursa Uludağ University TBMYO Design department students in the illustration lesson are much more than beautiful drawings. Many children's books can cause problems with the symbolic understanding between the natural world and the book, not only because of their carelessness but also with misdirection and distorted language. Developments in the child's ability to transfer information from picture books to the real world, symbolic understanding, analogical reasoning, fantasy, and reality can be limited. More importantly, this situation, which seems to be a child's problem, may pose a severe risk to the cultural structure and future of the country. Character design in children's books should attract children's attention and amuse them in the story. With imaginary creation, these characters will be shaped as a behavior model that defines human beings and continues over time, as Butkus puts it. In this sense, each character should have their characteristics. These features help children distinguish and remember characters from each other. It is essential that the character is designed to take part in different positions and emotional situations in the story and that the designs reflect themes appropriate to the age and interests of the children. Perhaps another purpose of the characters is to make them look more dynamic and impressive thanks to their flexible and moving structure with a seductive rhythm and can establish a page hierarchy. While keeping the story flowing effortlessly, the layout and action depicted on the pages can make the reader enjoy the book until the end.


Çocuk kitapları, çocuğun gelişim sürecinde önemli rol oynar. Çocuk, eğlenerek öğrenirken seçmeyi ve tanımayı da öğrenir. Çocuğun adını taşıdığı kitapta ilk tanıdığı kişilik şüphesiz, hikâyenin karakterleridir. Çocuk, genel yapısı ile görsel ayırt edici arketipler kullanır. Yaygın bir inanışla çocuğun zihninde oluşan karakter, onun bildiklerinden farklı değildir. Bu nedenle çocuk, karakterleri daha çok görsel tanıma yoluyla ayırt eder. Karakterin vücut yapısından kıyafetlerine, fiziki özelliklerinden yüz ifadelerine kadar her bir spektrum, çocuk için silinmez resimlerdir. Çoğu zaman bu resimler, o karakterin, kitabın hikâyesi dışında da yaşamasını sağlar. Bu noktada karakter kitaptan bağımsız, çocuğun dünyasında yaşayan canlı biridir. Çocuğun yapısı gereği çevresindekilerle iletişim kurabilmesi, onunla etkileşime geçebileceğini gösterir. Bu noktada o karakterin hikâyesi, duruşu, söylemleri, yaptıkları ve hatta planları, gerçek dünyadaki çocuğun hikâyesiyle özdeşleşebilir. O karakter gibi giyinir, görünür, yaşar ve benzer söylemleri kullanabilir. Bu makalede, çocuk için önemli olan iyi ya da kötü ruh halli karakterler konu edilmiş; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi TBMYO Grafik Tasarım Programı öğrencilerinin, illüstrasyon dersinde tasarladıkları karakterler incelenmiştir. Tasarlanan karakterlerin, çocuk kitaplarında anlatılan hikâyeden bağımsız olarak kendi hikâyelerini oluşturabilmelerine önem verilmiştir. Her bir karakterin kendi hikâyesi ile kitabın hikâyesinden kopmadan nasıl kişilik yaratabildiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Öğrencilerin yarattıkları karakterlerin, çocuğun dünyası ile kurmaya çalıştıkları bağ resmedilmiştir. Bu makalede çocuk kitapları ve karakterleri yeniden tasarlanmış ve çocuğun hayal dünyasına ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Sanal kahramanın hikâyesinin, fiziksel görünümüyle nasıl yaratılabileceği örnek öğrenci çizimleri ile gösterilmiştir. Çocuğun zihnindeki karakter ile yaratılan sanal karakteri kendisiyle neden özdeşleştirebildiği, onun hikâyesine nasıl ortak olabildiği anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çoğu zaman hikâyesi iyi olan karakterlerin çocuğun yaşantısında olumlu gelişmeler yaratabildiği, bu bakımdan çocuk kitaplarında çizilen, veya tasvir edilen karakterlerin en az kitabın hikâyesi kadar önemli olduğu ortaya konmuştur.

Character, design, children's book, student designs
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Karakter, tasarım, çocuk kitabı, öğrenci tasarımları


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Submitted at: 2023-12-19 12:40:00
Accepted at: 2023-12-19 12:42:23
To Journal: 2023 Kış Dönemi

Author Details:
Gültekin,ERDAL ORCID:0000-0003-0425-6196 Bursa Uludağ üniversitesi TBMYO Tasarım Bölümü Grafik Tasarım Programı

To Reference: ERDAL, Gültekin (2023), Çocuk Kitaplarında Karakter Tasarımının Yeri ve Önemi. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Aralık 2023, Issue:4, Volume:8, Pages:370-382

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