The term "biomimicry" simply means "mimicking nature." It is an important method used in disciplines such as architecture and engineering, where the process of overcoming nature's challenges is observed, analyzed, and applied to provide solutions to design problems. In today's world, biomimicry is utilized to develop solutions for various problems in different fields, shifting the perspective from viewing nature hierarchically to learning from it and what it can teach us. For this method to be fully reflected in design, it is not sufficient to merely imitate the form and function; it is essential to ensure that the process does not harm nature and that the resulting product is sustainable.
In this study, a literature review was conducted and document analysis method was used within the framework of the data obtained on the subject. Document analysis is defined as "a systematic process of examining or evaluating both printed and electronic (computer-based and internet-based) documents" (Bowen, 2009: 27). In the study, firstly, the concepts of 'biomimicry' and 'sustainability' are mentioned within the framework of the literature. In addition, evaluations were made in terms of material, form and need in furniture design and analyzed from the perspective of biomimicry. In the light of the information obtained from these evaluations, document analyses were made about form and material, and the biomimicry approach was used in design proposals that can serve as an example within the scope of furniture. Within the framework of comparative analysis and recommendations, it is concluded that interior designers should infuse a biomimicry phase into the programming phase of the design process.
Through the evaluations, the forms and materials derived from biomimicry were subjected to in-depth analysis. This allowed the researchers to draw insights and inspiration from nature's designs and solutions to various challenges. The findings from these analyses were then utilized to propose design ideas that exemplify the principles of biomimicry within the scope of furniture design. By integrating biomimicry into the design process, the study aimed to address not only functional and ergonomic requirements but also sustainability aspects. This comprehensive approach seeks to promote the development of furniture that not only mimics nature's forms but also takes into account its materials, textures, and overall ecological impact. By doing so, the study aimed to contribute to the creation of more sustainable and nature-inspired furniture designs.
For furniture to be sustainable, its structure should have a long lifespan, and as a result, the materials used should yield a strong and functional output with minimal usage. This means achieving high efficiency with minimal materials. One example of materials that can be used in furniture structures is biodegradable plastics. Plastic materials are frequently chosen in furniture design due to ease of mass production, the ability to achieve desired forms, durability, and low cost. However, the long-lasting nature of plastics in the environment has become an environmental concern. The rise of plastic pollution as one of the world's significant problems, along with its high carbon footprint resulting from the use of fossil fuels during production, necessitates the search for alternatives.
Researchers have been inspired by microorganisms' ability to break down biopolymers into organic matter and have produced biodegradable plastic materials. These materials include polylactic acid, a plant-based plastic material mixed with cornstarch, and polycaprolactone, a biodegradable polyester widely used in biomedical applications. Industrial enzymes, along with enzyme protectors that help separate enzymes from each other by a few nanometers, are dispersed in base plastics, and these enzymes remain dormant until triggered by hot water or compost soil. Once activated, the enzymes break down the plastic material, converting it into compost. This approach prevents harm to the environment and adheres to the principle of sustainability, a fundamental aspect of biomimicry. By transforming widely used plastic materials in the furniture sector that could take hundreds of years to degrade, we can achieve a more environmentally friendly approach through biodegradable alternatives inspired by biomimicry principles.
The required qualities in the materials used for the structure and surface coating in design differ significantly. For the design to have a long lifespan, the surface material may need to be hygienic and hydrophobic. Unlike structural materials, surface materials directly interact with the human body, making their texture and ergonomic properties crucial. Flexible plates that mimic fish scales and armadillo shell are examples of materials that can be used for furniture surface coating. Animals from different families have flexible armored skins characterized by hard scales embedded in soft tissues. The individual moving hard segments provide protection against predators while enabling efficient movement due to their flexibility.
Inspired by this observation, Chintapalli et al. (2014) developed a system using hexagonal glass plates placed on a rubber substrate. They found that segmented plates not only provide flexibility but also delay fracturing. Moreover, in the developed glass-rubber system, they utilized a segmented design to increase puncture resistance by up to 70%. Such a material, particularly when used to enhance the flexibility of seating furniture, can increase the furniture's durability and, consequently, its lifespan. Additionally, it can provide ergonomic comfort by adapting to the kinetic and curvilinear structure of the human body.
In conclusion, in order to reduce the environmental impact of industrially produced furniture designs, innovative designers need to adopt alternative perspectives. Moving away from a reductionist approach and embracing a holistic biomimetic perspective can lead to sustainable design outcomes. Achieving this also involves using materials produced with green technology. By integrating biomimetic principles and utilizing biomimetic materials, furniture designers can achieve sustainable designs that not only minimize environmental impact but also enhance user comfort and well-being.
Doğa ve doğadaki organizmalar, milyonlarca yıl boyunca çok çeşitli zorluklara karşı verimli, esnek ve sürdürülebilir çözümler geliştirmiş olduklarından, sürdürülebilir çözümler için önemli bir kaynaktır. Biyomimikri yöntemi bu kaynağı, yani doğanın problem çözme sürecini gözlemleme ve analiz etme ve bunu tasarım problemlerine uygulamaktadır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle biyomimikri ve biyomimikri tasarım yaklaşımları çerçevesinde literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Daha önce yapılan araştırmalar biyomimetik yöntemlerin iç mekanlarda, özellikle mobilyalarda uygulandığını gösterirken, indirgemeci bir yaklaşım sergileyerek yüzeysel bir düzeyde sınırlandırılmıştır. Biyomimikri yaklaşımının, malzeme, doku gibi biyomimikrinin çalışma sistemi dikkate alınmadan yalnızca biçime odaklanıldığından sürdürülebilirliğe katkısının kısıtlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle bu çalışma, mobilya tasarımında antropometrik ve ergonomik ihtiyaçlara cevap verirken sadece formda değil, malzeme, doku ve diğer yön seçimlerinde de sürdürülebilirliğin nasıl sağlanabileceğine cevap aramaktadır. Biyomimikri yaklaşımı yüzeysel düzeyden derin düzeye doğru ilerleyen üç seviyeden oluşmaktadır. Üçüncü seviye yani derin düzey biyomimikri yaklaşımı, yalnızca doğanın biçim ve işlevini taklit etmenin değil, aynı zamanda tasarım sürecinde de ekosistemin taklit edilerek çevre dostu olmasını sağlamanın gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. Derin düzey biyomimikri yaklaşımı sürdürülebilirliğe en fazla katkıda bulunan seviyedir. Bu nedenle mobilya tasarımında endüstriyel üretimin çevreye verdiği zararı azaltmak ve sürdürülebilir çözümler üretmek için yenilikçi tasarımcıların derin düzeydeki biyomimikri yaklaşımını kullanarak alternatif bir bakış açısı geliştirmesi gerektiğine değinilmiştir. Ardından mobilyanın iki bileşeninden biri olan strüktürde kullanılacak malzemenin tasarımın dayanıklılığı ve verimliliği açısından güçlü; yüzey kaplama malzemesinin ise esnek ve hijyenik olması gerektiğinden, iki ayrı kategoride farklı biyomimetik malzemeler doküman analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda biyomimikri yöntemiyle oluşturulmuş malzemelerin biyomimikri düzeyi, mobilya üretiminde sürdürülebilirliğe katkısı ortaya konmuştur. Ardından bu bulgular mobilya tasarımı kapsamında biyomimikri ilkelerini örnekleyen tasarım fikirleri önermek için kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamlı yaklaşım, yalnızca doğanın biçimlerini taklit etmekle kalmayan, aynı zamanda malzemelerini, dokularını ve genel ekolojik etkisini de hesaba katan mobilyaların geliştirilmesini teşvik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Doğadan ilham alarak strüktür ve yüzey kaplama malzemeleri için önerilen biyomimikrik seçeneklerin kullanılmasının, çevre dostu mobilya tasarımlarının gerçekleştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
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