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Türk Deniz Tarihinin Turgut Reis ve Uluç Reis Adlı Romanlara Yansıması

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches Associate Professor Dr. Ersin Şahin Special Issue Pages: [102-114]
Doç.Dr.. Erol OGUR


After the entry of the Turks into Anatolia, they also try to establish dominance in the seas. However, the creation of a naval force and the entry into naval wars with the Westerners happens during the Fatih period. II. Bayezid vas the first Sultan who realized the importance of a naval strategy for the Ottoman Empire. II. Bayezid realized that this progress could only be sustained if there was a naval power that dominated the high seas. During the reign of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, the Turks created a tremendous naval force in the Mediterranean and experienced the most glorious period of naval history. The entry of the pirate Barbaros Hayrettin, who founded a state in Algeria, into the Ottoman service started a new era in the Mediterranean.

The novels of the Halikarnas Balıkçısı that are the subject of the study are historical novels that take their subject from Turkish naval history. Novels and stories that take their subjects from history are of great importance. Historical novels and stories should give the reader an awareness of history because interpreting history means historical consciousness in a sense.

The publication of historical novels in the West began immediately after the French Revolution. Historical novels are influential in forming of national awakening, unity, and togetherness among the people. The novelist should study the social situation of the period he is going to write about and the customs and traditions of the people well. When examining historical novels, the time of the event is considered first. Because the main element that determines the historical novel is time, first it should determine the time of the case in the novels, and it should be emphasized whether this time continues chronologically. Novels should also be evaluated in terms of social time.

The novel of Uluç Reis is the first of the author's historical novels. it is a 506-page voluminous book published in 1962. It describes the events from the birth of Uluç Ali to his death. The novel begins in June 1557. Turgut Reis’s novel is the author's second novel in the field of historical novels. The first edition was published in 1966. In terms of volume, it is shorter than the Uluç Reis novel, and it is 312 pages. The historical events in this novel are the same as the previous one.

The novels contain the following events that took place in history

II. bayezid's abstention on helping Muslims in Spain

The Conquest of Rhodes and the surrounding islands

Turgut Reis and the Wars He Participated in

Preveze Victory

Rüstem Pasha's grand viziership and political games in the palace

Uluç Ali (Sword Ali)

The conquest of Tunisia

The Crusader navy's Capture of Tunisia

Conquest of the twelve islands

Charlemagne's Expedition to Algeria

The conquest of Cerbe

The Siege of Malta and the Martyrdom of Turgut Reis

II. Selim's accession to the throne and the conquest of Cyprus

The Battle of Inebahti (Lepanto)

Uluç Ali Reis Captain-i Derya

The Conquest of Tunisia

In a historical novel, the author may reveal small side events and characters related to the main event from time to time in order to make his work more impressive and to keep the reader's interest high. However, it is the most important thing to keep from historical reality while doing this. The Fisherman of Halicarnassus Turgut Reis and Uluç Reis tried to stay true to the historical personality of Turgut Reis in his novels. He tried to use the historical findings he had in creating his work. Thus, he tried to portray the great Turkish sailors such as Turgut Reis and Uluç Reis as a living personality in the reader's mind.

The initiation of Turgut Reis and Uluç Reis into seafaring and the heroics they gained in this field are described in detail in the novels. Bodrum’s social life, lifestyle, traditions and surroundings; 16. Insights into the state politics of the century, The development of the struggle between the West and the Ottomans depending on the political Decibels of Europe, That piracy and pirates had a huge share in the development of Ottoman maritime; Information such as a very detailed description of the naval battles between the Ottoman Empire and the European crusader alliance and the combat Decoys used in these wars are included in the novels.

Halikarnas Balıkçısı also refers to the neglect of seafaring during the Ottoman Empire. In particular, his comments on the disorders in the functioning of the state starting from the Kanuni Sultan Süleyman period are noteworthy. While the author gives the life story of these two heroes of our maritime history, on the other hand, he is in a state of questioning related to a period of the Ottoman Empire.

In the novels, the heroes commemorated with the victories they achieved in our maritime history have their lives from birth to death. The author has fictionalized the epic lives of these sailors, who are not as well-known in our Turkish naval history as Barbaros, but who had a significant share in the development of Turkish shipping and the establishment of dominance of the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean and Africa. Thus, he also aimed to create a history consciousness in the reader.

Turgut Reis's novel also describes the lifestyle of Bodrum and its surroundings based on centuries shaped by the sea. In the novels, the development of the heroes from childhood, the lifestyle-related to seafaring are presented to the reader. In particular, he combines what is known about the life of Turgut Reis with the power of fiction as a writer who knows the region where he was born and lived well. The birth of Turgutca and the naming ceremony show that the author knows the way of living very well based on tradition.

Although the Halikarnas Balıkçısı wrote these novels based on historical reality. Even so, it is essential to approach the text knowing that this is not a date. It will be the correct way to read novels with this way of looking and a critical approach.


Türklerde deniz kültürünün gelişmesi diğer milletlere göre daha geç olmuştur. Türklerin donanmanın önemini kavrayıp denizde de üstünlük kurma teşebbüslerinin ilk önemli hamlesi İstanbul’un fethi dönemindedir. 16. yüzyılda artık imparatorluk devrine ulaşan Osmanlı Devleti, karada olduğu kadar denizde de gücünü ve hâkimiyetini güçlü biçimde göstermiştir. Bu sebeple Türk deniz tarihinde 16. yüzyıl çok önemli bir dönemdir. Oruç, Hızır, İlyas, Turgut, Uluç Ali Reisler, Türklerin Ege ve Akdeniz’de hâkimiyetini ilan etmişlerdir. Türk romanının başlangıcından itibaren Türk tarihinin de romana konu olduğu görülür. Türk deniz tarihinden konusunu alan romanlarda genellikle bu döneme ait olaylar ve şahsiyetler anlatılmaktadır. Cevat Şakir’in, romanlarında ve hikâyelerinde mekân Akdeniz ve Ege kıyılarıdır. Ege ve Akdeniz kıyılarını çok iyi tanıyan yazar, bu mekânları tarih ve kültürüyle birlikte ele alır ve anlatır. Halikarnas Balıkçısı, bu şahsiyetlerden Turgut Reis ve Uluç Reis adlı romanlarında, tarihî roman bağlamında Türk denizcilik tarihinin bir boyutunu romana taşımıştır. Yazar, Turgut Reis ve Uluç Reis romanlarında Turgut Reis’in tarihî kişiliğine sadık kalmaya çalışmış, elindeki tarihsel bulguları eserini yaratma sürecinde kullanmaya çalışmıştır. Böylece, Turgut Reis ve Uluç Reis gibi büyük Türk denizcilerini okurun zihninde canlı bir kişilik hâlinde canlandırmaya çalışmıştır. Turgut Reis’in ve Uluç Reis’in denizciliğe başlaması ve bu alanda kazandığı kahramanlıkları; Bodrum ve çevresinin sosyal hayatı, yaşama tarzı, gelenekleri; deniz savaşlarında kullanılan savaş araç-gereçlerinin çok ayrıntılı biçimde anlatılması gibi bilgiler roman kurgusunda yer almaktadır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde denizciliğin ihmal edilmesi, özellikle Kanuni döneminden başlayan devlet işleyişindeki bozukluklara dair yorumlar da dikkat çekmektedir. Tarihî gerçeklikle büyük ölçüde örtüşen romanlarda yazarın yaratıcı muhayyilesinin etkisini gözden uzak tutmamak gerekir. Tarihî romanda yazar eserini daha etkileyici kılmak, okurun ilgisini yüksek tutabilmek için zaman zaman ana olaya bağlı küçük yan olaylar ve karakterler ortaya çıkarabilir. Ancak bunu yaparken tarihî gerçeklikten ayrılmaması en önemli husustur. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada, Cevat Şakir’in romanlarında olay kurgusunu oluştururken tarihî gerçeklere ne ölçüde bağlı kaldığı, ondan ne şekilde ayrıldığı belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır.

Halikarnas Balıkçısı, historical novel, Uluç Reis, Turgut Reis
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Halikarnas Balıkçısı, tarihî roman, Uluç Reis, Turgut Reis


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Submitted at: 2023-08-19 12:16:04
Accepted at: 2023-08-19 13:42:11
To Journal: Associate Professor Dr. Ersin Şahin Special Issue

Author Details:
Erol,OGUR ORCID:0000-0002-7710-3361 Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi

To Reference: OGUR, Erol (2023), Türk Deniz Tarihinin Turgut Reis ve Uluç Reis Adlı Romanlara Yansıması . International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Ağustos 2023, Issue:1, Volume:8, Pages:102-114

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