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Camda Sanat, Sanatsal İncelikte Üfleme Tekniği ve Anadolu Medeniyeti

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches Associate Professor Dr. Ersin Şahin Special Issue Pages: [27-38]
Öğr.Gör.. Gültekin ERDAL


Although Glass has been used for 5000 years, it has never lost value. It seems that Glass will not lose value in the future. Although new modified raw materials are being discovered with today's technology, Glass, As it is today, will have the most trusted, used hygiene and features that can make its buyers happy tomorrow.

Glass, used in many technologies such as packaging, insulation, and production, especially in heavy industry, has never lost its value. However, new technological materials that we can call intermediate or modified are produced. Glass is the only unrivaled product that will always occupy our agenda, with abundant raw materials, easy to process due to its core being sand. We can quickly see how important Glass is in daily life. So much so that the Glass and its products, which can be seen everywhere, may often be unaware of. Because the place of Glass in daily life has become ordinary and an inseparable part of life, assuming that Glass is out of daily life, its place and importance can be better understood. One can encounter a massive lack of list that could be multiplied, such as light bulbs, lenses, microscopes, telescopes, cameras, eyeglasses, mirrors, televisions, windows, and mirrors. From the opposite point of view, the lack of this list reveals what will be missing from the comfort of daily life. So much so that he may encounter that this deficiency is not a comfort but a necessity; for this reason, it is not surprising that Glass is a reliable and preferred material for production on a sectoral basis and for daily life. Glass is a transparent, indestructible and highly durable material. Being stainless, waterproof, and a good insulator makes it a material that can bring it to mind in almost every field and be used efficiently.

This article discusses glass, one of the oldest known materials, and the blowing technique, one of the glass-forming methods. The blowing technique is a method that is used to shape it by blowing with a long metal pipe called a pipe. This technique is also frequently used in the production of handmade glass products. Glass masters still heavily use the blowing technique, which is the oldest glass-forming method. In addition to the blowing technique, seven different techniques are used in shaping the glass. Among these techniques, eight methods are performed: compression, blowing, tossing, winding, inside-out turning, pouring, pouring-rolling, and drawing. This article is a research that re-examines humanity's view of glass and focuses on blowing the oldest glass shaping technique.

It is widely speculated that the word glass derives from the Latin name "glastum," a forest flower from which Glass was made in the past. Another approach is that the word "glass" comes from amber, which means "glass sun" in English (welsh). Glass is an inorganic (inorganic) substance that is transparent and translucent, liquid at high temperatures. In addition to being transparent and breakable, unbreakable glasses can be made, and even fabric can be woven by turning them into fine yarn. Glass, one of the oldest decoration and kitchenware materials, can be used in almost every area today.

The glass was first used around Mesopotamia around 2500 BC to produce objects such as beads and jewelry. The latest techniques, including core forming and glass blowing, initiate glass manufacturers' application of valuable materials in shipbuilding. The functional and decorative properties of glass have continued to evolve with technical progress. In the first use of glass, it is seen that most of the items are produced for women. There are bracelets made of glass, clasps, and necklaces of colored beads. Glass, first used as a decoration tool for women, was later produced for tools, equipment, and containers in which women were at the forefront.

Two basic techniques were used in glass vessels found in Anatolia in the 1st millennium BC. In general terms, these are the inner-mold mold and pressing techniques. Although the blowing rod was not invented in this period, the glass blowing technique has been known and used since ancient times. With the development of technology, it has started to be made by hand-forming machines. It may be unrealistic to consider machine forming simply as a time saver. Because while the machine gives consistent and perfect results in mass production, it can also save labor. Of course, in machine forming, significant design problems such as heat transfer, stability of metals, and bearing clearance must be solved. The situation is not easy in the processing and shaping of handmade glass. This job has several essential tools—a blowing wand, crucible glass removal rod, scissors, tongs, hooks, and hot glass holders. The temperature of the material being worked on requires the tools to be used in forming to be heat resistant or suitable for glass. Glass material; can be shaped by eight methods such as compression, blowing, tossing, winding, inside-out, pouring, pouring-rolling, and drawing. Each glass material is processed with a shaping method suitable for its structure. Some glass forming methods can be used for many glass materials.

This research has shown that glass processing methods have forced new techniques, and glass has become increasingly important daily. So much so that the regions where glass can be processed have begun to be accepted as the cradle of civilization. Beads considered the infancy of glasswork, form the basis of glass art in Anatolia. The experience of beadwork has shown its effect on ceramics, porcelain, and glass making in Anatolia for a long time. Because in traditional Anatolian glassmaking, instead of making the glass transparent, the opposite has been taken. It can be easily seen that products that almost move away from glass and approach the appearance of ceramic and porcelain are given.

On the other hand, the Ottoman art of glassmaking achieved technical success and produced “clean, immaculate” products. With this article, not only the importance of glass civilization has been mentioned, but also the unfoundedness of the accusations ignoring Ottoman glass art has been revealed. The examples shown in pictures 1 and 2 reveal the true story of Ottoman glass art.


Ağır sanayi başta olmak üzere, ambalaj, yalıtım ve üretim gibi birçok teknolojide kullanılan cam, ara veya modifiyeli diyebileceğimiz yeni teknolojik maddeler üretilmiş olsa da hiçbir zaman değerini kaybetmemiştir. Cam, özünün kum olması nedeniyle hammaddesi bol, işlemesi kolay, her zaman gündemimizi meşgul edecek rakipsiz tek üründür. Camın ne denli önemli olduğunu günlük yaşantıda rahatlıkla görebiliriz. Öyle ki her zaman her yerde görülebilen cam ve ürünlerinin çoğu zaman farkında bile olunmayabilir. Çünkü camın günlük yaşantıdaki yeri artık sıradanlaşmış, yaşantının ayrılmaz parçası olmuştur. Camın günlük yaşantıdan çıktığı varsayıldığında, yeri ve önemi daha iyi anlaşılabilir. Ampuller, mercekler, mikroskoplar, teleskoplar, fotoğraf makineleri, gözlükler, aynalar, televizyonlar, pencereler, aynalar gibi daha da çoğaltılabilecek devasa bir liste eksikliğiyle karşılaşılabilir. Ters bakış açısıyla bu listenin eksikliği, insanın günlük yaşam konforundan nelerin eksileceğini ortaya koyar. Öyle ki bu eksikliğin aslında konfor değil, gereksinim olduğu gerçeğiyle karşılaşabilir. Bu nedenle camın sektörel bazda üretim, günlük yaşantı bazında ise güvenilir ve tercih edilen madde olması şaşılacak bir şey değildir. Cam, saydam, bozulmaz ve oldukça dayanıklı bir maddedir. Paslanmaz, su geçirmez ve iyi bir yalıtkan olması, hemen her alanda onu akla getirebilecek, rahatlıkla kullanılmasını sağlayacak malzeme olmasını sağlar.

Bu makalede, bilinen en eski malzemelerden biri olan cam ve cam şekillendirme yöntemlerinden üfleme tekniği konu edilmiştir. Üfleme tekniği, pipo denilen uzun metal boru ile üfleyerek şekillendirmeye yarayan bir yöntemdir. Bu teknik, el yapımı cam ürünlerin üretiminde de sıkça kullanılır. Cam ustaları, en eski cam şekillendirme yöntemi olan üfleme tekniğini hala yoğun bir şekilde kullanmaktadır. Camın şekillendirilmesinde, üfleme tekniği yanı sıra yedi farklı teknik de kullanılır. Bu teknikler arasında sıkıştırma, üfleme, savurma, sarma, içten dışa çevirme, akıtma, dökme-silindirleme ve çekme gibi sekiz farklı yöntemle biçimlendirme yapılmaktadır. Bu makale, insanlığın cama bakışını tekrar inceleyen ve en eski cam şekillendirme tekniği olan üflemeyi konu almış bir araştırmadır.

Glass, glass technology, glass shaping, blowing technique
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Cam, cam teknolojisi, cam şekillendirilmesi, üfleme tekniği


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Submitted at: 2023-08-18 21:55:37
Accepted at: 2023-08-19 13:42:51
To Journal: Associate Professor Dr. Ersin Şahin Special Issue

Author Details:
Gültekin,ERDAL ORCID:0000-0003-0425-6196 Bursa Uludağ üniversitesi TBMYO Tasarım Bölümü Grafik Tasarım Programı

To Reference: ERDAL, Gültekin (2023), Camda Sanat, Sanatsal İncelikte Üfleme Tekniği ve Anadolu Medeniyeti. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Ağustos 2023, Issue:1, Volume:8, Pages:27-38

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