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The Form Analysis of Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin The Muhayyer Sümbüle Mevlevî Âyîn-i Şerîf

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches Summer Term, June 2023 Pages: [144-172]
Doç.Dr.. Sıtkı AKARSU


The term Ayin is used in the history of religions, Sufism and Turkish religious music. It is of Persian origin and carries the meanings of ceremony, procedure, style of worship, customs and traditions. It also expresses various musical ceremonies and worship styles belonging to different religions in some sects. Collective ceremonies have turned into a certain ritual and include bodily movements as well as prayers and works read aloud within the rules adopted by the community. It has manifested itself since the earliest times of mankind that the bodily movement and vocal expression in this ceremonial atmosphere in the rituals. He shaped the contents of the rites that all social causes and mystical elements in human life such as birth, death, seasonal periods, protection from disasters. In fact, it has been ensured that there is an order and continuity in the practices due to the function attributed to the rites by the political structures. The use of the concept of ritual in Islamic geography depends on its occurrence in religious sources. However, when we look at its spread, Persian has had an influence on mystical practices in terms of culture(Başoğlu, 2020: 367).

The origin of the word Ayin is based on Persian and the Turks used this word exactly. But Arabs preferred words that have the same meaning like "Hadran, Hafle, Urs"(Tıraşçı, 2020: 20). This word which is widely used in Turkish culture was mostly used in Mevlevi ceremonies in the field of Turkish music. These types of music composed are called “Âyin-i Şerif”. The biggest religious form of Turkish music is the "rite" form (Macit, 2021).

Mevlevis do it with the intention of worship apart from the prayer, we also perform the ritual of turning called Sema accompanied by the Âyin-i Şerif. (In the real sky, the dervish says and remembers Allah at every turn. Zikr-i Hafi. This too is worship (Tosun, 2020).) The works were composed by great musicians which the works performed during the "Sema". It is also difficult to compose these works, which are in a special classification in terms of shape. The Mevlevi sect has been instrumental in raising important names in music through rituals with this difficult aspect. The old Mevlevi lodges can also be considered as the first Turkish conservatories outside the palace (Özkan, 1998: 82).

In this study, it is aimed to determine the formal features of "Muhayyer Sümbüle Âyin-i Şerif", whose composition belongs to Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin. It is intended to be detected the musical aspect of the work and the structure of motifs, sentences and chapters. It is thought that this study will serve to field studies on classical Turkish music.


In the study was used descriptive survey model, which is one of the qualitative research methods. Scanning model is a descriptive model as it exists a situation that exists in the past or present. It is a research approach that tries to define the event, individual or object that is the subject of research in its own conditions and as it is (Karasar, 2005: 77).

Universe and Sample

The universe of the study consists of all the Mevlevi Ayins that have been composed until today. The sample is composed of the lyrical note of Muhayyer Sümbüle Âyin-i Şerif composed by composer Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin and related sources made about the field.

Data Collection and Analysis

The notes of Muhayyer Sümbüle Ayîn'i Şerif, which will be analyzed first were obtained from the web environment during the data collection phase(www.mutrı The measures in the note are numbered for convenience. In addition, vertical lines were used in the note in order to increase the clarity of the measures in the musical sentences.

Findings and Comments

In total 251 measures were used in 4 parts of the work. There are 46 measures in the 1st Chapter (1st Selam); In the 2nd part (2.Selam) 22 measures; 175 measures in Section 3(3.Selam) and 8 measures in Section 4(4.Selam). There are 8 musical sentences in the 1st Selam, 3 musical sentences in the 2nd Selam, 19 musical sentences in the 3rd Selam, and 2 musical sentences in the 4th Selam. There are 32 musical phrases in total.

Conclusion and Recommendations

"Âyin-i Şerifs" have been the products of composers who are generally affiliated with that group, due to being a Mevlevi tradition, form of worship and ritual. It is difficult and unwelcome that trying to write the Mevlevi ritual without knowing that community. But is rare the writing of such comprehensive and high-level works in today. There are 167 Ayin-i sharifs used in ritual ceremonies. Maybe it meets the demand. Therefore, although the composition of such important works makes incredible contributions to the field of Turkish music, a work to be done for the composition of the rites, competence and competence points should not be overlooked in every step to be taken.


Mevlevi literatüründe Âyin-i Şerif olarak geçen formlar, günümüzde Mevlevi Ayini olarak da ifade edilmektedir. Sözlerine “Nutk-ı şerif” denilen Âyin-i Şeriflerin güfteleri, Farsça’dır. Sözlerinde de, Allah’ın, peygamberin ve tarikat pirlerinin isimleri zikredilmektedir. Türk musikisi açısından da ayrı ve önemli bir yeri olan bu formlar, müzikal yönü ve anlam bütünlüğü olarak her zaman üst düzey bir besteciliğin ürünü olmuştur. Bölümleri olan “Selam” kısımları bile ayrı manaları içeren belirli temalardaki sözlerden meydana gelmiştir. Yaklaşık olarak, 160’ın üzerinde bestelenmiş olan Âyin-i Şeriflerden biri de, Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin tarafından bestelenen, Muhayyer Sümbüle Âyin-i Şerif’idir.

Yapılan bu çalışmada, Muhayyer Sümbüle Âyin-i Şerifi biçim özellikleri yönü ile incelenmiş, belirli bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Doküman analiz yönteminin tercih edildiği betimsel nitelikte olan bu çalışmada, Gülçin Yahya Eser Tahlîli Yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu tahlil yöntemi ile Âyine ait usûl, ölçü, cümle, bölüm, makam ve güfte yapılarını gösteren eser kurgusu ile icrâ akışı tabloları verilmiş ayrıca açıklanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmadaki in “Selam” olarak nitelendirilen kısımları da, eserin bölümlerini oluşturmaktadır. Âyin-i Şerifler 4 selamdan oluştuğundan, eser de 4 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Bu bölümlerdeki usuller de, ayinlerde tercih edilen usullerden seçilmiştir. I. Selamda Devr-i Revân usulü(14/8), II. Selamda Mevlevî Evferi olarak da nitelendirilen Ağır Evfer(9/4), III. Selamda Devr-i Kebir(28/4), Aksak Semai(10/8) ve Yürük Semâî(6/8) ile IV. Selamda da yine Ağır Evfer usûlleri kullanılmıştır. Bu 4 bölümde toplam 32 müzik cümlesi tespit edilmiştir. Muhayyer sümbüle Âyin-i Şerif, birbirinden farklı 32 müzik cümlesinden meydana gelmiştir. Bestekar Sayın Sezgin, eserinde cümle içlerindeki mısralara bağlı dönüşlerdeki ezgi kalıpları hariç(bu da aynı müzik cümlesi değil, kendi içerisindeki dönüş melodileridir) hep farklı müzik cümleleri tercih etmiştir. Bu tercih, eseri olabildiğine zenginleştirmiş ve müzik cümlelerinde farklı makam geçkileri yaparak Âyin-i Şerif muazzam bir yapıya kavuşturmuştur. Âyin-i Şeriflerde Mesnevi-i Şerif’ten, Divân-ı Kebîr’den ve Ahmed Eflâkî Dede’den alınan sözler dışında, lafızlar ve lafzi terennümler kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, Muhayyer Sümbüle Âyin-i Şerif’inin toplamda 251 ölçüden oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca eser içerisinde bestekârın birçok makama atıf ve geçki yaptığı tespit edilmiştir.

Âyin-i Şerif, Mevlevi Âyini, Turkish Music Forms, Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin, Composition Analysis.
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Âyin-i Şerif, Mevlevi Âyini, Türk Mûsikîsi Formları, Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin, Eser Tahlîli.


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Submitted at: 2023-06-12 18:38:10
Accepted at: 2023-06-12 18:42:46
To Journal: Summer Term, June 2023

Author Details:
Sıtkı ,AKARSU ORCID:0000-0002-3028-1021 Kastamonu Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Müzikoloji Bölümü

To Reference: AKARSU, Sıtkı (2023), The Form Analysis of Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin The Muhayyer Sümbüle Mevlevî Âyîn-i Şerîf. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Haziran 2023, Issue:2, Volume:8, Pages:144-172

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