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The Effect of the Concept of Pandemic on Housing and Fictional Space Designs

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches Summer Term, June 2023 Pages: [114-128]
Arş.Gör.. Turgut KALAY ; Dr.Öğr.Üyesi. Çağrı YALÇIN ; Doç.Dr.. İ. Emre KAVUT


Affecting human life; natural disasters, wars, pandemics (outbreaks) etc. Social breaks, such as social breaks, also affect social life and cause some vital changes. The pandemic, which is still in effect today, sets an example for these social breaks. Therefore, pandemics (epidemics) that affect social life with a wide spread feature affect both residential life and working life. This situation has caused the human-space relationship to change within the framework of pandemic conditions. To give an example, during the pandemic process, people have been affected socially and psychologically by staying under quarantine in the residences, which we have described as living spaces, more than ever before.

Houses provide heating, shelter, storage, etc. for people. Can be expressed as the spaces they use to meet their vital activities. With the effect of changing conditions and technology over time, different functions and needs lead to changes in housing design and spatial organization. From this point of view, the housing, which is primarily affected by the universal changes affecting human life, should be designed as functional and flexible spaces that can respond to these changes. In epidemic situations such as the pandemic that affects social life, where social distance is minimized, new needs have paved the way for structural and functional changes in buildings. Especially in cities, buildings and interiors, new design guides that regulate human mobility and social life have begun to emerge. Along with the concept of pandemic, housing maps and spatial definitions in minds have changed. This situation causes users to be directed to mobile spaces with functional design features. Mobile spaces are used as temporary accommodation units in social breaks that affect human life, considering a sheltered and isolated life. Especially affecting human life; After natural disasters, wars and pandemics (epidemics), people need to provide the basic requirements they need to continue their vital activities.

With the technological advances in the world reaching a serious point, many space designs; It appears as a fictional space through cinema works, serials and animations. Although fictional spaces are expressed as spaces that do not exist in reality, it deals with many current social issues within the framework of design criteria. Many design proposals are seen both in cinema works and futuristic designs, especially in terms of providing spatial isolation in the fictionalization of pandemic spaces. The venue functions as a fictionalized movie scene. In this context, the scene is formed within the framework of the scenario and characters by evaluating the building elements, equipment elements and furniture together.

Pandemics affect people's social life and cause social breaks. It is seen that this situation, which is related to epidemics as a global threat, affects every individual in the society psychologically. In this context, social isolation has become a necessity in space and housing designs. In order for functional, perceptual and sensory communication to respond to the conditions experienced in pandemic conditions, space designs should be considered as solution-oriented and functional. Houses are places that meet the need for shelter, which is one of the basic living needs of the communities in which they are located. Therefore, the necessity of social isolation comes to the fore within the scope of the content of the pandemic conditions. These conditions shape the dwellings by partially or completely re-functionalizing them. Thus, portable, demountable, relocatable mobile space design approaches emerge and are formed in line with the needs of people.

In this study, it is aimed to examine the effect of the concept of 'pandemic' on housing and fictional space designs. In addition, it is examined how mobile space design examples will respond to the needs in case of a possible pandemic. In the study, single scanning model was preferred by using qualitative methods. First of all, in line with the researches, the concept of pandemic was defined based on the literature and the deadly epidemic diseases (pandemics) that occurred in the history of humanity were mentioned. The structure of the research was created by compiling the conceptual information based on the literature. Then, the relationship between housing design and pandemic was examined and examples were presented on mobile space designs. The concept of fictional space has been defined within the framework of literature resources and mobile space design examples have been examined. Results and suggestions were presented by making spatial evaluation within the framework of information and visual readings in the literature obtained.


Yaşam döngüsü içerisinde, Justinianus vebasından İspanyol gribine insan hayatını etkisi altına alarak ciddi ölümlere ve sağlık sorunlarına sebep olan pek çok pandemi yaşanmıştır. Özellikle 2019 yılında tanıştığımız ve günümüzde de etkisini devam ettiren Koronavirüs (COVİD-19), yaşanan pandemiler arasındaki en yakın örneğini oluşturmaktadır. Bu pandemi ile insanların yaşamsal faaliyetlerini sürdürdükleri alanların yani konutların biyolojik savunma çerçevesinde sosyal izolasyonunun gerekliliği ve önemi vurgulanmıştır. İnsan yaşamını etkileyen ve insan kontrolünde olmayan evrensel değişimlerde konut tasarımlarının bu değişimlere cevap verebilecek nitelikte kurgulanması ya da çözümlenmesi gerekmektedir. Mobil mekanlar ise bu çözümlemeye örnek oluşturmaktadır. Günümüz teknolojik, sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel imkanları doğrultusunda bir kısmının ya da tamamının uygulanması mümkün olmayan mekanlar olarak ifade edilen kurgusal mekanlarda da pandemi konusu ele alınmıştır. Dolayısıyla günümüz sinema eserlerinde ve fütüristik mekân tasarımlarında mobil mekanlar dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışmada ‘pandemi’ kavramının mobil konut ve kurgusal mekân tasarımları üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmada nitel metotlardan yararlanılarak, durum analizi kapsamında örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Öncelikle yapılan araştırmalar doğrultusunda pandemi kavramının literatüre dayalı tanımlaması yapılmıştır ve insanlık tarihinde meydana gelmiş ölümcül salgın hastalıklardan (pandemiler) bahsedilmiştir. Daha sonra konut tasarımı ve pandemi ilişkisi irdelenerek mobil mekân tasarımları üzerinden örnekler sunulmuştur. Kurgusal mekân kavramı literatürde yer alan kaynaklar çerçevesinde tanımlanarak mobil mekân tasarım örnekleri incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler sonucunda mobil mekanların olası bir pandemi durumunda sosyal izolasyonun sağlanması noktasında bir çözüm niteliğinde olacağı ve bu gibi toplumsal sorunların kurgusal mekân özeline de yansıyacağı ön görülmektedir.

Pandemic, Housing Design, Fictional Space Design, Mobile Spaces
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Pandemi, Konut Tasarımı, Kurgusal Mekân Tasarımı, Mobil Mekanlar


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Elektronik Kaynaklar

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Submitted at: 2023-06-12 18:38:17
Accepted at: 2023-06-12 18:42:59
To Journal: Summer Term, June 2023

Author Details:
Turgut ,KALAY ORCID:0000-0002-8532-1203 Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık Bölümü
Çağrı ,YALÇIN ORCID:0000-0002-8408-9190 Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık Bölümü
İ. Emre ,KAVUT ORCID:0000-0003-2672-4122 Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık Bölümü

To Reference: KALAY , Turgut , YALÇIN, Çağrı , KAVUT, İ. Emre (2023), The Effect of the Concept of Pandemic on Housing and Fictional Space Designs. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Haziran 2023, Issue:2, Volume:8, Pages:114-128

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