The concept of migration, which has been a part of our lives for centuries, can be defined as a person's compulsory or voluntary departure from one place to another. There are many social, economic, political and cultural reasons underlying migrations. These reasons can be shortened through social events and the concept of migration can be considered as the sub-cause of these events. Artists, who cannot remain indifferent to social events, can be the visual source of the period they live in, and as a reflection of the events of the age lived years later, they attribute the quality of being a source to their works. This quality of the artist enables him to make artistic interpretations with a creative and critical understanding by dealing with the phenomenon of migration within the framework of social events, and provides an approach to the problems experienced from a different perspective. In this research, the phenomenon of migration, which the artists dealt with after 2000, was examined through works of art and the artist and his work's manifesto were mentioned with explanations. The common point in the works of artists who are in different geographies, but who deal with other dimensions of the same subject, which is handled through conceptual art, is that the drama is being watched or a deadly journey continues in front of the eyes. In the studies carried out within the scope of the subject, the effects of migration, which is not old like migration, but increasing for different reasons today, affect the artists and their reflections on contemporary art practices are supported by visuals. The works of artists that deal with a struggle for life and the approach of artists who perform applications on contemporary art practices to the works are examined. The phenomenon of migration, which has existed in life since primitive times, is one of the unchanging concepts of human history. This phenomenon, which affects every segment of society, has become a problem that cannot be ignored for artists who deal with such social and social problems. . In this study, the phenomenon of migration was historically limited to post-2000 and examined in the perspective of contemporary art. As a result of the researches, the artist's manifesto and the artist's functioning were discussed through a total of 8 works within the scope of concept art within the limitation of contemporary art, and the scope of his works was examined. First of all, the fact that the artist has the quality of being a mirror of his age can enable the artist to deal with the problems of the society he lives in under the conditions of the day. The word "society" mentioned here should be understood not only as the country in which the artist lives, but also as the age and period in which he lived. Because the problem of a region with a different language, identity and geography can be the subject of the work of an artist living in a different country. The universal language of art reveals itself at this point. For example, the lifeless body of Aylan, who drowned in the Syrian War or in the Aegean; These tragedies remove the artist's language, culture, geography, in short, the borders and make art a single language and a single meaning. A universal situation such as migration brings art out of a local dimension and into a universal one. Considering the works of art that examine this definition, some artists create their works by directly experiencing the problem of immigration and being a migrant, while some artists create their works through interactions they experience through communication tools such as news, visuals and social sharing. The common point in the works of artists who are in different geographies, but who deal with other dimensions of the same subject, which is handled through conceptual art, is that the drama is being watched or a deadly journey continues in front of the eyes. Within the scope of this research, investigations of the phenomenon of migration have been made in the context of refugee migration and the reflection of this issue on contemporary art practices has been examined. In this context, the literature reviews and visual examinations, and the works made after 2000, which produce productions with art approaches such as installation, printing and installation, especially from contemporary art practices, have been interpreted. This research, which deals with the reflection of a subject that cannot be ignored, aimed to both change the art practices in contemporary art and show the themes in contemporary art approaches.
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İnternet Kaynakları
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Görsel Kaynakçaları
Resim 1. Picasso, P (1951). Kore’de Katliam (Resim), Picasso Müzesi, Paris. E.A.: . E.T. 25.05.2022.
Resim 2. Issam Kourbaj (2015) Kaybedilen Başka Bir Gün (Another Day Lost), (Enstalasyon), Londra. E.A.: . E.T. 22.11.2022
Resim 3. Bruno Catalano (2019-2019) Les Voyageurs, (Heykel) Singapur. E.A.: E.T. 22.11.2022.
Resim 4. Banksy (2015), Mülteci Botu: How Heavy it Weighs, (Heykel), İngiltere. E.A.: . E.T. 26.05.2022.
Resim 5. Richard Barnes, Backpack Installation, University Of Michigan, 2014. , E.A.: E.T. 25.05.2022.
Resim 6. Richard Barnes (2013) State of Exception installation view, Detroit. E.A.: E.T. 25.05.2022.
Resim 7. (2018). Ai Weivei, Yolculuk Yasası, Sydney Bienali. E.A.: E.T. 25.05.2022.
Resim 8. (2016) Mohamed Hafez. Desperate Cargo, The NCC Art Gallery. E.A.: E.T. 25.05.2022.