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Türk Resim Sanatında Tarımsal Ürün Çeşitliliğinin İzleri

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches December 2024 Pages: [381- 400]
Doç.Dr.. İlyas SEVİNDİK


In Turkish painting, the diversity of agricultural products is an important theme that reflects artists' relationships with nature and society. This subject has been dealt with in various ways in different periods and understandings throughout the history of Turkish painting. In different periods of the Ottoman Empire, agricultural products were often depicted in miniatures and traditional Ottoman art. In the art of this period, agricultural products are mostly depicted elegantly and in detail. Especially in works depicting palace life and daily life, products such as fruits, vegetables, and grains have a symbolic meaning. Turkish painting, which transitioned to oil painting in the Western sense during the last period of the Ottoman Empire, entered a new phase in the art of painting by adapting the gains from the past to the existence of a new state. With the new management and cultural understanding of the Young Republic of Turkey, new approaches emerged in developmental efforts. From the Republic's early years until a certain period, the agricultural economy was emphasized. During these periods, the existence of an agricultural painting compatible with the values of the Republic was evident. Turkish artists began to depict agricultural products and village life more realistically during this period. Especially with the effect of social changes such as the new approaches brought by the Republic, bringing Turkish art to the level of contemporary civilizations based on the realities of their own country, reaching new interpretations with oil painting art in the Western sense, and agricultural reforms, village life and agricultural activities have become a center of artistic attention. Artists reflected that the country is an agricultural country in their works, highlighting the difficulties and beauties of this lifestyle. In Turkish art, the variety of agricultural products in still life, landscape, figurative, and abstract paintings has provided rich content regarding artists' aesthetic and thematic meanings by dealing with these products in different forms. This diversity emphasizes the cultural and social importance of agricultural production and shows the evolution of art in various periods.

In Ottoman miniatures, agricultural products are often symbols of wealth and elegance—still-life compositions from palace life in the last period of Ottoman painting present agricultural products aesthetically. Still, life in Turkish art has become more prominent, especially since the late 19th century. In paintings of this type, fruits, vegetables, grains, and other agricultural products are often depicted in detail and painstakingly. The still life type is considered a more realistic approach to and after the Republic period. Especially under Western influence, detailed and accurate descriptions of agricultural products as part of daily life are seen in still-life works. During this period, artists tried to convey an aesthetic and socio-cultural message by realistically depicting agricultural products. Previously, Ottoman landscape paintings without figures appeared as figurations landscape paintings with the Republic at the end of the Ottoman Empire. Thus, agricultural products in landscape paintings emerged integrated with nature and rural life and took their place in Turkish painting as an essential part of the rural landscape and village life. Artists have expanded the range of meaning in figurative paintings by reconciling agricultural products with social relations, economic situations, and environmental problems.

In modern and contemporary Turkish painting, agricultural products are generally treated more abstractly and conceptually. Artists tend to have a more magnetic understanding by examining the social and environmental effects of agricultural production and painting these products from a symbolic or critical point of view. Artists have expressed these products' physical properties and aesthetic values through formal and color experiments. Agricultural products are sometimes processed through abstract forms and color palettes that symbolize the power and diversity of nature. Additionally, contemporary issues such as consumption habits of agricultural products, environmental pollution, and sustainability are also reflected in works of art. Artists have used agricultural areas and products not as a part of nature but as an aesthetic composition element.

Paintings on agricultural activities were made in every period of Turkish painting. This work is essential in revealing agricultural diversity and agricultural products in Turkish painting with their periods and raising awareness in the next generation of artists. It is aimed to make the diversity of agricultural products between the past and present of Turkish agriculture, which has recently moved to a different stage with global warming and climate change, visible in the works of Turkish painters as both an economic indicator and a visual image. The descriptive scanning method was used in the research, and the data obtained were presented alongside artists' works through document analysis. As a result of the examinations and evaluations, it has been observed that the diversity of agricultural products is included in the past and present of Turkish painting as both an economic indicator and a visual image. As a result, in Turkish art, the variety of agricultural products in still life, landscape, abstract, and figurative paintings has been discussed in a wide range, both aesthetically and thematically. This diversity is essential in understanding how artists and the roles of these products in the social, cultural, and aesthetic context interpret agricultural products.


Osmanlı’nın son döneminde minyatür sanatının son bulmasıyla Batılı anlamda yağlı boya resme geçen Türk resim sanatı, geçmişten gelen kazanımları yeni bir devletin varlığına uyarlayarak resim sanatında yeni bir evreye girmiştir. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin yeni yönetim ve kültürel anlayışıyla birlikte kalkınma hamlelerinde de yeni yaklaşımlar sergilenmiştir. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarından belirli bir döneme kadar tarımsal ekonominin ön planda tutulduğu, bu dönemlerde de Cumhuriyet değerleriyle bağdaşan tarımsal bir resim sanatının varlığı görülmüştür. Türk resim sanatının her döneminde tarımsal faaliyetleri konu alan resimler yapılmış ve araştırılarak ortaya konulmuştur ancak bu çalışma, Türk resim sanatında tarımsal ürün çeşitliğini konu edinen bir çalışma olmaması nedeniyle önemlidir. Bu çalışma, kültürel mirası, toplumsal yaşamı, sanatsal temaları, çevresel bilinçlenmeyi, plastik ve estetik değerleri yansıtmak açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Çalışma sanatın, tarihin ve kültürün kesişim noktasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır ve bu konuyla ilgili somut bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu araştırma, konu gereği Türk resim sanatında var olan tarımsal resimlerin ürün çeşitliliği açısından ele alınmış olup, Türk resim sanatının dünü ve bugününe bir bakış açısı getireceği düşünülmektedir.

Makale, Türk resim sanatında tarımsal çeşitliliği ve tarım ürünlerini dönemleriyle birlikte ortaya koyarak, Türk tarımının geçmişi ile bugünü arasındaki ürün çeşitliliğini hem ekonomik bir gösterge hem de kültürel ve görsel bir imge olarak Türk sanatçılarının eserlerinde görünür kılmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada betimsel tarama yöntemi kullanılmış ve elde edilen veriler belge analizi şeklinde sanatçıların eserleriyle birlikte ortaya konulmuştur. Yapılan inceleme ve değerlendirmeler sonucunda, Türk sanatında minyatür, natürmort, manzara, figüratif ve soyut resimlerde tarımsal ürün çeşitliliğinin hem estetik hem de tematik açıdan geniş bir yelpazede ele alındığı görülmüştür.

Turkish painting art, Turkish agriculture, Agriculture in Turkish painting, Agricultural diversity, Agricultural products.
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Türk resim sanatı, Türk tarımı, Türk resminde tarım, Tarımsal çeşitlilik, Tarım ürünleri.


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Submitted at: 2024-12-06 16:44:39
Accepted at: 2024-12-06 16:54:13
To Journal: December 2024

Author Details:
İlyas ,SEVİNDİK ORCID:0000-0001-9616-8181 Amasya Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Bölümü, Resim-İş Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı

To Reference: SEVİNDİK, İlyas (2024), Türk Resim Sanatında Tarımsal Ürün Çeşitliliğinin İzleri. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,2024, Issue:4, Volume:9, Pages:381- 400

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