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A Comparative Essay Between The Turkish Dede Korkut Stories and The Greek Epics of Iliad And Odyssey

International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches Prof. Dr. Mustafa CEMİLOĞLU Armağan Sayısı Pages: [243-254]
Doç.Dr.. Osman YILDIZ


The contemporary art critics while studying the works of arts usually attach great importance to aspects related to archetypes. Epics, legends and fairy tales which contain mythological elements create valuable resources for archetype literature. Both the Turks and Greeks being important nations of history, have their own rich literature backgrounds. By carrying out comparative studies on the epic works belonging to these two nations it is possible to reach at various results. Probably the most striking one among these results is related to determining their general levels of attitude towards various events. The comparison method will be applied in order to attain the desired results. In this study, the rational attitude adopted by the Turkish nation against towards various events will be underlined through the comparative method with the help of the Greeks epic Iliad and Odyssey.

The contemporary art critics while studying the works of arts usually attach great importance to aspects related to archetypes. Epics, legends and fairy tales which contain mythological elements create valuable resources for archetype literature. Both the Turks and Greeks being important nations of history, have their own rich literature backgrounds. By carrying out comparative studies on the epic works belonging to these two nations it is possible to reach at various results. Probably the most striking one among these results is related to determining their general levels of attitude towards various events. The comparison method will be applied in order to attain the desired results. In this study, the rational attitude adopted by the Turkish nation against towards various events will be underlined through the comparative method with the help of the Greeks epic Iliad and Odyssey.


Günümüz sanat eleştirmenlerinin sanat eserlerini incelerken dikkate aldığı hususlardan biri de arketiplerdir. Destan, efsane masal gibi türler, bünyelerinde taşıdıkları mitolojik unsurlar bakımından arketipsel zengin malzemeler içerirler. Bu açıdan tarihin köklü milletlerinden olan Türkler ve Yunanlılar zengin bir literatüre sahiptirler. Her iki ulusun destanlarını ve bu destanlarda yer alan mitolojik unsurlarını, çeşitli açılardan karşılaştırmak ve bu sayede değişik sonuçlara ulaşmak mümkündür. Bunlardan belki de en önemlisi her iki toplumun genel seciyesini ve çeşitli olaylar karşısındaki tutumunu tespittir. Bu tespiti yaparken kıyas metodundan yaralanmak, ortaya çıkartılacak sonuçlar bakımından faydalı olacaktır. Bu çalışmada, Türk milletinin karşılaştığı çeşitli olaylar karşısında takındığı akılcı tutumu ve erdemi, birer mukayese aracı olması bakımından Yunan destanlarından “İlyada ve Oddysseia”dan da istifade ederek dikkatlere sunulacaktır.

Dede Korkut, Rationalism, Tepegöz, Iliad and Odyssey,Comperative Literature
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Dede Korkut, Akılcılık, İlyada ve Odysseia, Tepegöz, Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat


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Submitted at: 2021-06-08 01:00:32
Accepted at: 2021-06-22 01:09:16
To Journal: Prof. Dr. Mustafa CEMİLOĞLU Armağan Sayısı

Author Details:
Osman ,YILDIZ ORCID:0000-0002-3162-6570 Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi, Türkçe Öğretmenliği

To Reference: YILDIZ, Osman (2021), A Comparative Essay Between The Turkish Dede Korkut Stories and The Greek Epics of Iliad And Odyssey. International Journal of Humanities and Art Researches,Haziran 2021, Issue:2, Volume:5, Pages:243-254

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